
Sunday, 18 December 2016

Oh Christmas Tree!

Now, I'm going to say something that may shock you...
I'm not a big fan of Christmas
I know, people in my line of work are usually big on decorating and being festive but, for me, there's too much cynical emphasis on consumerism and spending money to create the 'perfect Christmas'.
I find it hard to square all that with the number of JAMs (people Just About Managing) out there and the amount of people without even a home or food.

However, before I cry "Bah, Humbug!" let me say I can't deny MLH his Christmas tree and this year I bypassed all the dusty crates and bags of decorations in the loft and went for a very simple design...

It's just candle lights and angels' wings... 

All aboard a vintage wooden sledge with hessian around the base of the tree...

and an antique French cherub on the top.

Simple, pretty, everyone's happy!

(especially the fur babies who are intrigued by all the little 'birds' they can just pick off the tree!)