.....so I started looking around the house and thinking 'so just how much influence has Karen from the Graphics Fairy had on me and my work?' the results were a little scary.....
.....okay so a few cute cushions are nothing to be ashamed of........
.....and we all need somewhere to store our kitchen stuff, it might as well look nice too (it's the image on the base box in this case from Karen)........
....likewise this one......
.......now, in my defence, this one isn't from Karen but, once the idea took hold I started having a little fun, and this one houses a lot of my DIY furniture refinishing stuff......
.....for this one I used a frame from Karen and made up my own words (and I MEAN 'made up' 'cos I don't think this is actually 'spice box' in French exactly but then very few actual French people drop in for a quick cafe creme with me so it doesn't really matter) anyway I digress, I use this for all my spices and herbs and essences and so on in the kitchen and I love it........
So, you get the picture. I owe Karen a lot - or would if she wasn't so generous with her images
and this is probably just the tip of the iceberg if I keep looking around, so Thanks Karen!
ps. none of these boxes cost anything to acquire either, I was just cheeky enough to ask if I could have them and kind people said yes. The man who gave me the original incarnation of the spice box even unloaded his Christmas display from it in the shop for me and still smiled and wouldn't let me pay for it.....there are some nice people out there!