
Monday, 30 July 2012

One and a half projects... laid plans and all that...I made this apron to hold all my bits and bobs at Vintage Fairs and used the Graphics Fairy's 'Carte Postale' image and 'Script' image combined with my I Love My Home logo on a homemade apron of French ticking with some toile and vintage lace. So far, so good. I got through all the sewing, printing on fabric without destroying my printer etc and felt really pleased with myself. Then I decided to photograph it to show you. Well, apart from the peculiar angle I had to use to show all the elements, it was all going well until I downloaded it and realised that taking a picture in the mirror gives guessed it, a mirror image....Duh!!

hopefully you can get the general idea!
This next photo is a project that's halfway through but it will feature a Graphics Fairy image so pop back in a few days to see the finished article.......

the next photo is the original, rather ugly, brown table with a few other goodies that are due for 'the treatment' and I'll show you those as I go along... finally...drum roll please!  Here is the finished article, my Italian table painted, waxed, distressed and embellished with a lovely shell design - thank you Graphics Fairy!

...and here is a view of the top showing the design in detail...

...hope you like it, let me know...


  1. Can't wait to see the final result.. Looking good.. Thank you for sharing... Hugs, Cindy

  2. Thanks for stopping by Cindy, it's nearly finished and I will post ASAP/ I have quite a few 'nearly done' projects and you've inspired me to get on with them - watch this space!


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