
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Pretty Garden Table redo..... I bought this little folding table because it had the look of something weathered and worn from standing out in the Provencale sun (in my head anyway) and you know I love things that are useful AND beautiful (I'm channelling my inner William Morris again). the photo above I've sanded it and it still looked a little boring so I painted the top in ASCP and waxed the legs and underneath with a dark wax to bring out the wood a little...

...but of course it needed a little 'something' to make it special. So off I went to the Graphics Fairy (Hi Karen) and looked in the Garden images. I thought this glass cloche with plants was perfect and Modpodge transferred the image....a few hours and some waxing later....

...Tada! I'm loving this and you can't even see where the image didn't transfer and I had to fill in!

...this is such a sweet image, I'll put it in one of the shops that take my items or send it to the

Milton Keynes Handmade and Vintage Fair on 8th/9th September - SAVE THE DATE! - there are going to be 120 stands - yes, you heard me right - 120!!!

Okay, one  more thing (long post today, right?) a couple of weeks ago I showed you the ticking apron I made to wear when I do the vintage fairs. It advertises I Love My Home and has enough pockets for all my stuff. Sometimes MLH (My Lovely Husband) helps out on the stand so I made him one too! This is barista style and features a vintage bike because he is mad on cycling (image from the Graphics Fairy again!)...not sure he'll make it to the catwalk, I just told him to put it on and stand in the kitchen while I snapped so I probably could have posed him better but hey ho!

have a good day - see you again soon!


  1. Love your folding table, wish I could go to that market. Great apron, you could sell those babies, really nice, the ticking is perfect and will hold up to pretty much anything.

    There is nothing like that where I live (West of Grand Junction, CO), really boring. I miss living somewhere that has antique/vintage markets.

  2. Forgot to ask you, is that image you used on the table a combination of images or just one? Can you give us a link to it please? I'm kinda digitally challenged so need help with things like that. We make some plant trugs and trays so that image would be perfect on them. THX is you can do that.


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