
Friday, 6 December 2013

Moving House!

Phew! It's been really hectic around here lately (and by lately I mean for about five months!) but finally we are moving house next week! It has been the usual nightmare of ups and downs and stops and starts and I don't want to do it again soon...

note to self:

“If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too.” - Dr. Seuss

However, we are finally getting our lovely old barn and, quelle surprise, I have plenty of plans for knocking down walls and restyling. It has some lovely features like exposed beams and a range but I don't like the current decor and can see ways to make the flow better. Right from the start I've had 'mood boards', clippings and samples (I know, tragic - right?) so I've got a clear idea of my plan.

So, bear with me a bit longer, I know I've been a poor blogger recently but I'll try and make up for it now with lots of before and after photos and projects and here's just a little teaser.....

so, come through the iron gate, past the lavender walk and follow the changes ........... see you soon x

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