
Friday, 6 December 2013

Moving House!

Phew! It's been really hectic around here lately (and by lately I mean for about five months!) but finally we are moving house next week! It has been the usual nightmare of ups and downs and stops and starts and I don't want to do it again soon...

note to self:

“If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too.” - Dr. Seuss

However, we are finally getting our lovely old barn and, quelle surprise, I have plenty of plans for knocking down walls and restyling. It has some lovely features like exposed beams and a range but I don't like the current decor and can see ways to make the flow better. Right from the start I've had 'mood boards', clippings and samples (I know, tragic - right?) so I've got a clear idea of my plan.

So, bear with me a bit longer, I know I've been a poor blogger recently but I'll try and make up for it now with lots of before and after photos and projects and here's just a little teaser.....

so, come through the iron gate, past the lavender walk and follow the changes ........... see you soon x

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Amazing Frozen Shoulder Treatment

I know this isn't what I would normally blog about but bear with me....If you have a frozen shoulder or know someone who does, this could be really useful so please read on (if not, then feel free to think about kittens or chocolate - my personal favourites - or whatever floats your boat).

OK, if you're a regular viewer then you might know I had a catastrophic elbow/arm/ankle accident eight months ago from which I'm still recovering. I also suffered a traumatic frozen shoulder which was not diagnosed until much later. The advice I was given was that frozen shoulders get better on their own in about TWO OR THREE YEARS! 

'No way!' I thought and did my own research...and found Hydrodilatation, a quick procedure done under local anaesthetic in about five minutes. The surgeon injects 40ml of saline into the joint capsule to free it up and then you need  to be very conscientious about physiotherapy and exercise for a few weeks to get the best result.

I had it done less than two weeks ago and already have loads more movement which means I can use my arm much more normally. I'm exercising at home and in the pool so I'm sure this will improve even further. It also means I can do more rehab on my broken elbow which is a bonus.

I'm sharing this because I had to find out about it on my own. It doesn't seem to be widely known (my GP had never heard of it) but it is available on the NHS as well as privately.

A frozen shoulder can be a miserable experience. It's painful and can stop you sleeping. You can't dress yourself easily, wash or style your hair or put your earrings in - really basic things. If you're suffering or know someone who is, this could be an answer for you. Good Luck!

p.s normal vintage service will be resumed in the next post!!!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

New Retail Space!

I'm very pleased to let you know that as of yesterday I have joined a super craft co-operative called Crafty Buzzards in Leighton Buzzard (no 9, Hockliffe Street if you're local). I have a lovely area in the shop to fill with my vintage lovelies and feel that this is a great opportunity to work with like minded creators and artists.

The website address is 

I have just sent photos of some of my stock to the web designer so in the next few days you can view online as well as here on the blog. Don't forget you can always browse and purchase items through the SHOP page on the blog (just click on the SHOP button just under the header) and contact me direct to organise collection or discuss pieces. 

I'm very excited about this new venture and will keep you posted!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

One of my favourite quotes........

I have to keep reminding myself of the following quote, it's so inspirational....

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Join me tomorrow as I have some news to reveal...........

Friday, 27 September 2013

Milton Keynes Handmade and Vintage Extravaganza!

Hi! I wanted to share these photos of the latest Vintage Extravaganza which took place at the beginning of the month..

I went away on holiday  straight after the fair so they are rather late I'm afraid....

but looking at them reminds of what a fun couple of days we all had!

I sold all the lovely new pieces I've featured on the blog...

including the racing car, doll's house and rocking horse....

and met loads of regular customers and caught up on all their news. 

Looking forward to the next event (always a good excuse for more junking and hunting) and I'll share some news with you soon about a new retail space for I Love My Home - not long now!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


I've been quiet for a while as MLH and myself went to the beautiful island of Mallorca for a break. There are some lovely quiet places on this busy island if you know where to look and this is what we could see from our balcony....

in front of us the sea and behind the majestic, wild mountains

and at night the most beautiful sunsets...

So we're back and raring to go.... in the next couple of weeks I am having a procedure done to help free up my shoulder and help my elbow and I'm also opening some new retail space for I Love My Home - but more of that later......

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

French Hat Box - oooh la la!

you may remember in a previous post that I revamped an old trunk into a gorgeous French style storage piece. Then I found a very large old hat box and thought they'd make perfect partners...

In this photo the trunk is on top of the wardrobe and even the leather straps match - what are the chances??

I painted it using some home made chalk paint and used the same image on the top as I'd used on the trunk...

This address originally came from a photographers label on the back of an old photo but I love the style and transferred it using freezer paper...

I'm really pleased with how both these pieces turned out and they'll both go to the next Milton Keynes Handmade and Vintage Extravaganza on 7th/8th September - save the date and come and see me right next to Costa coffee - yum!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Crazy for crates....

suddenly I'm finding lots of crates and I just love them. There are so many possibilities and they're sooo useful..

In a previous post you'll have seen lots of pretty pastel coloured crates. This time it's a lovely rustic crates with grain sack images from Karen at the Graphics Fairy

this one is transferred using freezer paper..

and this one is a straightforward decoupage...

and then, how about a couple of shallow crates covered with antique sheet music?

Had to share this 'before' picture of a fabulous old hat box I found yesterday, hard to tell from the photo but it's really large (this is my 16inch studio ruler) and has lovely details including the leather strapping and the remains of old labels...

can't wait to get started on this one, it'll be a great match for the vintage trunk i finished a couple of weeks ago...

stylish storage!

have a good weekend x

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Vintage letters...

Some time ago, in an old box I found at auction, I came across some very old letters (the oldest is dated 1877). They make fascinating reading but are also beautiful objects in their own right...
 I love the letter heading on this page, perhaps this is where the author worked?

Here's a close up of the 'three box power loom' advertised on the
letter heading...


and here's another, more recent letter in beautiful handwriting. I've left out the start and finish because it seems a bit intrusive to include it. The first page was quite personal so I chose to omit that part...

 I hope you enjoy these lovely archive items as much as I do...
Have a good day x

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Shabby doll's house and rocking horse...

I found this poor, sad little doll's house last week...

it was no better inside....

but now it's a rather shabby but genteel house of the bourgeoisie living on the Rue Lafayette in Paris...

the faded grandeur extends to the interior where the rooms are painted in chalky sugared almond shades

Madame et Monsieur may have seen better times but they still manage to keep their Paris townhouse...

Major credits to Karen at the Graphics fairy for the image...

On the theme of toys... here is a rocking horse that I renovated...

I forgot to take a 'before' photo, but trust me, you wouldn't have liked the vivid green and red colour scheme!

More cuties for my next Vintage fair!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Vintage trunk, doll's cradle, storage crates etc...

Put the kettle on, lots to look at today.

First this grubby old trunk I found. Grubby yes, but in good sound condition otherwise, apart from the handles. The hinges were intact as was the vintage paper lining...

then there was the doll's cradle and you know how much I hate thick shiny varnish, right?

...and the rustic mirror, yucky but lots of potential...

and here are the 'after' shots...with some supporting cast members...

 the doll's cradle got a makeover with new linen and 'Bonne Nuit' transferred onto the headboard. (I'm pretty sure I got this image from the Graphics Fairy a while ago)...

No before pic of these pretty storage crates because you know what an old crate looks like, right? but very cute in their pastel colours and trims now...

 the mirror looks tons better with a simple wash of paint...

and as for the trunk...ta dah! I used an image from the Graphics Fairy again for a vintage Paris address on top of a coat of paint and reworked the handles...

not easy to see the image in the blinding (and unaccustomed) sunshine we've been having...

and here's an opinion from another cast member...

'wake me up when it's all over.....'

'I'm awake and I love what you've done' (I may have made that opinion up...)

anyhoo, back to's an idea for using the trunk for storage, great for linens or Winter clothes maybe? It would also make a great coffee table with built in storage...

and here's a little detail I added...

hope you like all these projects, more to come soon...
have a good day x

Monday, 1 July 2013

Shabby storage box and a racing car!

here's another sad little item that I thought could look a lot happier

shabby yes, but NOT chic...

but now....

shabby, chic and fit for any lady's boudoir...

especially if, like me, she likes a little bit of crackle glazing...

and here's one for the boys... I found this great little 'ride on' racing car at the weekend. Some little boy's going to love this surely?