
Sunday, 7 February 2016

Repurposing old travelling trunks

Over time I've seen (and collected) quite a few lovely old travelling trunks and the best use I've found for them is to repurpose them as coffee tables with masses of storage.

This was the first one I attempted and it went off to France to live in the converted barn belonging to  a friend...

recently I transformed this one with some lovely cabriole legs I took off an old stool.
It sold very quickly, as soon as it went into my space at Afterglow of Olney…

And this one has just gone into the shop. It's a lovely example with lots of history as it belonged to a Masonic Institute of Learning. I found some old documents detailing this and left them inside for the new owners to see…

I have one more lovely old trunk in my workshop and it's just waiting for the right legs to come along before it too joins the gang!

Let me know if you like them?

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful coffee tables these trunks make. Sounds like you are conscientious about what legs you put on them. Does make a difference so they have right look. Something can't be explained, you have to find legs to put on then know they're appropriate to the trunk. How nice you can find the trunks. Do you do any work on insides before you sell them?
    We live in western Co, few miles west of Grand Junction. It's hard to find things like trunks you sell here and if they can be found the prices are way over what I could afford. Everything here is overly priced. I got used to living in KY and finding so many unusual and wonderful, affordable pieces. We lived north of Bowling Green and talk about antique and vintage stores, I sure miss all of them. Even in MT could find good pieces that were affordable. But doggone it we're stuck here in CO now, hubs says he's too old to keep moving anymore. I'd love to go back to MT any day.
    Have great week, glad you shared about your trunks you sell.


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